Streets of Willow Springs March 2003
After drooling all over the exotics...the group parked our cars in the pits. This even was relatively cheap so a lot of people showed up as you can see. Thanks to Mark for the group drive to the track~
NOW is time to get ready and HIT Streets once again with my NEW Kumho V700 and my new seats...Hopefully I can improve upon my 1:45 from last time...
After three HARD runs...I finally learned to use the R compound best time was a 1:40 flat! GOD DAMN!!!! 5 seconds off....definitely worth it!! The car is still understeering quite bad...the front tyres are chunking off....I think my allignment is off so OFF to the allignment shop we go...hopefully I can break into the 1:30's next time...but I don't think I'm goin to push the car any harder...the difference between being FAST and INSANE is defined by a very very fine line....
This is the BUG KILLEr shot....I must have killed atleast 100 bees during the day...
Car sitting pretty after a stint on the MUCH tracktime!