
California Super Speedway June 2002

 The famous Cali speedway....we're finally here. It is an absolutely grip to run here but we had to give it a go =) This is a pic of me and luke arriving early for tech inspection...HOT DAY....

This place is unbelievably BIG....there are about 4 rows of these HUGE garages to park your cars...this was really a life saver cuz the weather was a scorcher...I just graduated the day before track day so I felt super good coming here....one gripe thou...forgot to put on my stock 17's for this event...BAD IDEA!

Pre-grid time...U can see the guys working hard on the Miata Turbo...the vacuum hose keeps coming off so the car is not boosting right....I would later find that the 18's were too big to run...I would hear really bad rubbing around nearly all the turns....I eventually went home early the rubbing was sooo bad...

This is one of my favourite shots of my car....The day ended pretty early for me due to car trouble but I still had a blast...flying thru the chicanes at 100mph was really a gutz test....it was fun thou...Some nice cars showed up this time....silver 996 911 with full race interior....Ferrari F360F1, F355, Lotus Esprit S4 and a old school Lamborghini....among a lot of other nice cars such as s2k's..hybrid M3's...not a bad day at all!
